Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Currently at home in my bedroom nothing-ing. I didn't eat breakfast at all. Oh well.
I sprained my ankle and Mum wanted me to rest at home for the day, later she'll bring me for tui na. Will be painful, don't be shocked if you hear someone screaming out of nowhere.
I'm bored, so I made a quiz. Ready?

What's your Primary school?
Pei Chun Public School!

Name 6 of your P6 classmates.
1 Sen Jade
2 Sheryl
3 Zhi Hui
4 Justin
5 Chee Wang
6 Yi Kai

What's your Secondary School?
Cedar Girls' Secondary School!

Name 6 of your schoolmates.
A. Cheryl Lee
B. Charmaine
C. Kek Yink
D. Jia En
E. Yi Fan
F. Joey

Will 4 and A get along with each other? (Justin and Cheryl)
Don't think so, Justin so niang niang qiang de :x

If 2 and D fought, who will win? (Sheryl and Jia En)
I think Sheryl (she can hit and strangle and kick and scream and ...) I never see Jia En fight before o.O But Sheryl's case, I got hit and strangled and kicked and screamed and...by her.

Does 3 and C know each other? (Zhi Hui and Kek Yink)

Between 1 and F, who do you think is more insane? (Sen Jade and Joey)
Sen Jade.

If 6 and E dated, what would happen? (Yi Kai and Yi Fan)
The whole universe would go upside down.

If 5 and B met each other, what's their reaction? (Chee wang and Charmaine)
Chee Wang will be saying "Ello!" in the "La bi xiao xin" manner and Charmaine maybe go "..hi?", 'cause Chee Wang's a weird guy.

5 people to do this!
- Charmaine
- Jia En
- Sen Jade
- Zhi Hui

Alright, I'm gonna cook noodles. Stomach and dogs are screaming.


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