Friday, January 11, 2008

Aww , thanks Kek Yink , Charissa and Yan Jing for that ! That's so sweet :)
Sya Sya brought her baby photos today and gosh , they were so cute ! Guess what , she composed a song too :
OST : Twinkle twinkle Little Star .
Hida Hida , Hidayu ,
Everyday you come to school ,
Always come and bully Sya Sya ,
Until she become papaya ,
Hida , Hida , Hidayu ,
Smell like a monkey from a zoo .
Hidayu was laughing like mad at the song , though it was a little racis . HAHAHA , Sya Sya , you are such a good songwriter ! (FYI , her name is pronounced "Sha Sha" , some like to pronounce it as "See ya see ya" [hokkien for die ah die ah]) Haha ! I was falling asleep in class , and the most interesting class is once again , CHINESE . The rest are like , sit there , stare at the teacher's face and fall asleep . At least for HCL , we could play games ! Ah , boring .
Training was interrupted by the CCA Auditions again . There were only a few who were chosen today , compared to Wednesday . The Secondary Ones skipped training for the Induction Ceremony Rehersal . We sat in the chairs and stared at the teacher while she was talking . Wah , imagine how much I wanted to sleep ! Wait , I wanna sleep in school like , almost everyday ! WHEES !
6Giians , who wanna go back to Pei Chun on CNY Eve ? And for those who can't go and wanna go for the P5 camp , please inform me by either calling me , sms-ing me or leave a comment in my tagboard . I'll call everyone another day to ask , yeah ? Alright , I'll have to sleep in earlier tonight , tomorrow's the Induction Ceremony ! (Gosh , I hoped that the 6G teachers will present the whole class with some prizes or something , that'll be so memorable D: )
Coaches , I miss guys you tons D: (Refering to Wulaoshi , Mr Tong and Mr Lee)


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