Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wonder why , everytime I take the Science paper , I will have a stomachache . Today at home , before going to school , I nearly vomited , but managed to swallow it back . Sigh ...
Reached school . Sat at the back with Wan Jing . Behind us was Mr Tong and Mr Teng , talking about our Maths paper . If I didn't hear properly , our class mean was around 50% . Rather shocked , this paper was rather easy! So Wan Jing and I kept listening , until Mr Tong and Mr Teng walked away , eee! So bad! Don't let us hear! x)
Science Examination was really quite hard ...I think it is the hardest out of all the papers . After the exam , Leroy was just telling tales again .
Throughout recess , everyone was just talking about the paper , which is rather useless as the examination was already over . Well , it was the end of the Prelims , the biggest obstecle is already in front of us - PSLE . Die , we are left with 2-3 weeks and I've only covered Maths and a large fraction of Science . For Chinese and English , I guess I will have to read more .

Shift furniture .
My table was badly vandalised , but who cares? It is still a table(:
Zuwei and Yijun were fighting . Zuwei was like trying to grab YJ's private part , and I was plainly grossed out?
Yi Jun : Walau , Zuwei!
Me : Oi Zuwei , you don't have it right? Still need to touch Yijun's .
Zuwei : (Complains complains complains)
Yi Jun : Weyy , I say you shuai , you scold me , say you ugly , scold me .
Me : (Whispers to Yijun) He girl what , must pretty!
Yijun : (Nods) Zuwei! You very pretty lerh!
Zuwei : (Blush)
Me : (Laughing in my heart)
Conclusion , Zuwei is neither a girl nor a boy(:
When Mr Tong went to Yi Jun's table , he was talking about the Maths results . "MCQ 也有人不及格。。。我们班也有很多人不及格。。。" Gosh . I was still really shocked .

Chinese lesson
You-know-who was still disturbing my Xiaodi . Can't help it .
My chinese section A was really badly done ... 'Cause I always get 41 for that section , and sometimes my section B really helped , like CA . I scored 41 for MCQ but 38 for section B(: When Wu laoshi called my name , she told me not to burn the midnight oil anymore . Sigh! I really wanna absorb as much knowledge as possible! Mr Tong is right , mantaining first position is really tough . I don't wanna break the chain . All the 6G from past years , the top pupil , all scored 253 (6G'06's top pupil didn't go to a SAP school , but if she did, she would scored 253) I am just afraid I will break the chain ... Really sad . And , my parents said that when I go to Cedar Girls' next year , I CANNOT go into the sports class . Sigh! Stress and tension is engulfing me .

When I leave this world ,
And recreate a world of my own ,
Please ,
Just take it as I didn't live on Earth before ...


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